Marco Favaro is a lawyer specialising in bankruptcy, corporate and banking law and he has been a member of the Padua Bar Association since 2005. He graduated in Law at the University of Padua.
He advises companies and banks in bankruptcy proceedings and debt restructuring procedures pursuant to the instruments provided for by the Bankruptcy Law (certified recovery plans and restructuring agreements), in and out of court.
He has gained significant experience in corporate litigation, with a focus on duties and responsibilities of directors and supervisory bodies.
He advises companies in extraordinary finance transactions and in commercial and corporate contractual matters.
He is registered in the Register of “Gestori della crisi d’impresa ex art. 356 CCII “, in the Register of “Esperti della composizione negoziata della crisi” and in the Register of “Gestori della crisi da sovraindebitamento presso l’Organismo di composizione della crisi dell’Ordine degli Avvocati di Padova”.