Privacy and Anti-Money Laundering
Our skills

Privacy and Anti-Money Laundering

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Privacy and Anti-Money Laundering

MDA has gained solid experience across all aspects of data management in different areas and sectors (M&A, labour law, IP, litigation, banking and finance law, telecoms), with special focus on both Italian and foreign jurisdictions.

Over 20 years of activity, the Firm has been referred to for privacy and anti-money laundering related advisory services by banks and other financial institutions, insurance companies, public bodies and firms operating in the most varied sectors, from telecoms to the web, from pharmaceuticals to real estate, from services to large-scale distribution.

The services offered range from contractual advice on privacy issues, customised data protection systems, to support in audits carried out by Italian and foreign supervisory bodies, as well as consulting and assistance in money laundering prevention.

MDA works with firms from all over the world to assist such clients facing data protection issues in Italy, i.e., global activities impacting also in Italy (‘group policies’, global audits, centralisation of functions in a company of the group)