Venice – MDA defends an important company specializing in local tourist transport before the Regional Administrative Court
11 July 2014

Venice – MDA defends an important company specializing in local tourist transport before the Regional Administrative Court

of MDA
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MDA – Associated Lawyers advocates before the Veneto Regional Administrative Court (TAR) a Group that operates in many Italian art cities and which, through its branch company based in Venice, had its authorization appealed by another Venitian lagoon transport company – even if granted for running the tourist line. MDA assisted the company in the […]

MDA – Associated Lawyers advocates before the Veneto Regional Administrative Court (TAR) a Group that operates in many Italian art cities and which, through its branch company based in Venice, had its authorization appealed by another Venitian lagoon transport company – even if granted for running the tourist line.

MDA assisted the company in the administrative procedure aimed at issuing a license for a tourist transport line in Venice. After the authorization was issued in July 2014, the competing operator challenged it, requesting its suspension and primarily claiming the interference and overlap of the new line with the local public transport service. By contrast, the licensing company claimed the liberalization of the tourist service and the absence of any interference or overlap.

The Veneto TAR, through its Order dated December 11, 2014, no. 636 rejected the request for suspension of the authorization’s validity, and dismissed the application as unfounded.

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